
T-shirts with a message

Phrases and designs on basic shirts have become a must have since Dior paraded t-shirts with bulky skirts mixing the basics with haute couture. In the age of technology in which messages are transmitted every second virtually, the phrases written on the shirts besides demonstrating the opinion of those who wear them, also amuse and play with words. The powerful Gucci invited the illustrator Angelica Hicks and create a collection with her funky drawings. At Ateliê, in addition to our “T-shirts” collections that are renewed at each season, we also present a very pop and witty t-shirt line with watercolor illustrations signed by Carol Xavier and another line from the brand Talk2myShirt’s with irreverent phrases.
It is worth mixing with powerful pieces or just a well-faded jeans. It’s super stylish and we love it.


“As Camisetas”

Carol Xavier



Angelica Hicks para Gucci

Angelica Hicks para Gucci


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